MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
A Study of Emotional Paradigm in Kunzang Choden’s Folktales of Bhutan
1Rakesh Subba (EID: 200207507),2Chimi Dema (EID:20150305454)
1,2Peljorling Higher secondary school, samtse, bhutan

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This research examines the emotional paradigm in Kunzang Chode’s Folktales of Bhutan to bring about self- realization of the impacts of positive and negative emotions. The poetic and imaginative essence of folktales reflects the need for a plural consciousness as it is only through a plural consciousness that their perspectives, belief systems and experiential grids can be comprehended. Folktales and folklore have been transmitted orally for generations to date. These folktales and folklore are important media to transmit and communicate social, cultural, ethical, and spiritual values across the globe. In Bhutan, these tales have been a source of entertainment. Although the tradition of the narration is slowly diminishing in modern times, the trend is still alive, particularly in the rural regions of the country. Bhutanese folktales revolve mostly around Buddhist philosophy on values and virtues of righteousness. Choden’s Folktales of Bhutan portrays the various forms of emotion that every individual experience in their day to day lives. The research adopts the psychoanalysis theories to explore all these aspects of emotions through a mixed-mode method.


Folktales, emotional paradigm, perspectives, plural consciousness, experiential grids


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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